Day in the Life of a Preschooler

Entrusting the care of your children to others is one of the greatest "leaps of faith" you will make for your family. YWCA Minneapolis and our Early Childhood Education team know this. We aspire every day to make that decision an easy one.

Accredited and Highly-Rated

As you consider daycare and schooling options, we appreciate every inquiry and opportunity to share cornerstones of our program with you. We are dedicated to an anti-bias, STEM-based curriculum that values the arts and achieves kindergarten readiness.

Seeing Us Through the Eyes of a Child

We are proud to say—what few programs can—that we are NAEYC-accredited and Four-Star Parent Aware-rated. While adults can read up on these designations and ratings, what does this mean to a preschooler? To find out, we asked them!

 “I just learn everything. I learned about my name starting with the letter C, and everything about the alphabet too. I learned my numbers and all about weekends and weekdays.”

Starting our Day

When our preschoolers first arrive at our YWCA Minneapolis Hubbs Center, they are greeted by staff at the door and walked to their classrooms where teachers and friends await. They engage in free play, practicing and expanding their social skills until breakfast is served.

“We learn about being kind and sharing.”

Literacy and Inquiry Skills

After breakfast time, the children begin working on literacy skills as they recite and trace the letters of their name to sign in for the day. They sing the days of the week song and learn about the calendar. During story time, the teacher reads and asks questions to engage and encourage the children to recall parts of the story and make predictions about what they think may happen next.

“We read a story about bodies.  My heart is right here, and these are my lungs.”

STEM and the Arts

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math aren’t subjects only for the grade-school and older set. Our young charges follow a curriculum that explores hands-on math and science activities that tie in with the theme they are learning for the week. Art projects follow, allowing for creativity and experimentation with various materials.

“I like to draw and paint, play with friends, build with Magnatiles, sing songs and dance too.“

Developing Motor Skills

Outside, our learners get to engage in many large and fine motor activities such as basketball, riding tricycles, soccer, hopscotch and hula hoop games, as well as playing on the playground and digging in the sand. After outdoor time, lunch follows, then naptime. Children, who do not nap, do quiet activities such as puzzles at the table.  As they wake up, they go to the table to engage in quiet activities until naptime is over. After naptime, the children have snack and do free play until parents arrive for pickup.

“I ride a bike, I play in the sand, and go thru the tunnel before I climb up and back down again on the climber.”

Our Schedule

Our days have some flexibility, but we follow this basic routine at our five learning centers. Throughout our day, classroom management is aimed at helping our children develop problem-solving skills and manage emotional regulation. LEARN MORE ABOUT YWCA EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATIONSCHEDULE A TOUR 


Doctoral Candidate: DaVonna L. Rucker


YWCA Minneapolis Welcomes Dr. Ibram X. Kendi