The Beautiful Sight of a Full Rack of Dumbbells: Q&A with a 15-Year YWCA Fitness Member

We recently learned more about one of our incredible 15-year members, Sharon. In this Q&A, she tells us how she first became a fitness member, what she likes most about visiting our fitness centers and her advice for staying active throughout the years. Read Sharon's story below!

When did you first become a member?

I started my membership with YWCA Minneapolis in 2006 when my child started preschool nearby. I worked out during school time. It's been like that ever since.

How has the pandemic affected your workout routine?

Thanks to workout videos YWCA posted right after lockdown, I was able to exercise regularly (with my kids!) while they attended school at home. But I missed the classes, the pool and the people. It's good to come back into the facility again.

What do you like most about exercising with us?

The variety. The instructors are much better at coming up with different moves than me. Not to mention I don't have all the equipment at home. Who'd think a full rack of dumbbells would be such a beautiful sight? ? Peer pressure also makes me work harder.

What has your experience been like visiting the fitness centers since the pandemic began?

I hadn't been back in a fitness center until this fall when my kids went back to school. I have felt pretty safe since coming back. Everyone is courteous about masking and cleaning up. I have friends who came back sooner and have felt pretty comfortable with it all.

What are your favorite parts of being a member?

I feel welcome here. The staff is always helpful and friendly. I also like the other members who come here. Some have become very good friends. I have a routine of classes that keeps me going every day. It's very important for my mental health.

Do you have any advice for others on staying healthy and active?

Get in the habit as soon as possible. Don't let distractions derail your routine. Try different workouts. I love classes because they are easier for me. It's like eating out instead of cooking myself. I also learn a lot from the instructors over the years. This was invaluable when I was forced to exercise on my own away from YWCA. Finally, you can never do too much stretch and balance work.Learn More about YWCA Fitness Membership


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