Youth-Led Storytelling through Photography

Summer camp at YWCA Beacon Learning Centers returned in full force this year with action-packed activities for youth. One exciting project students took on was learning about photography. Eleven students participated to capture images that showed what Beacons is all about. 

Youth-Led Community Storytelling

A major goal of this project was to create a space where young people are in charge of a community storytelling process. As a result, students held the power of deciding where they wanted to take pictures, and how they wanted to capture the essence of each day. What resulted was a robust depiction of the joy, care and connection that the Beacons program at Franklin Middle School cultivated this summer. Enjoy looking at some of the photos that students took this summer.

Experiential Learning: How to Use a Camera, Edit Photos + More

Monday through Thursday, small groups of youth gathered to learn how to use a camera, explore different works of professional photographers, practice taking their own photos, edit them and create their own artist bios. Whether it was learning to take action shots in the pool or gym, or capture small details in a portrait, students engaged in experiential learning to increase their knowledge of photography and art.

A Performance Showcase 

In the final week, Beacons put on a performance showcase to highlight the different creative projects that students put together. The youth looked through their photos and selected one that was framed and presented to other students, staff and families. 

Beacon Learning Centers

YWCA Beacon Learning Centers is one of our Girls and Youth programs. These programs equip youth with the skills and experience to nurture their confidence, relationships and power to be leaders in their lives and communities. Beacons offers youth a combination of academic and enrichment activities four days a week and during the summer. The afterschool and summer programs support school success, while providing opportunities for learning and leadership.Learn More about YWCA Girls & Youth ProgramsDonate to YWCA Minneapolis


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Building Togetherness through a Giant Weaving Project